Have you ever wished your smile was a little brighter? Thanks to modern dental technology, teeth whitening procedure makes it possible for you. Teeth whitening is one of the most in demand dental procedures offered by the best dentist in Albuquerque NM. It can drastically improve the appearance of your teeth, so that you can show them off with a great smile. Here are 5 things you need to know about teeth whitening:
Get a Shinier and Brighter Smile:
Teeth of adults usually appear grey or yellow, and such shades usually get darker over time. Additionally, the food and drinks you consume such as coffee, sauce, juice etc. can also stain the teeth. This is when teeth whitening treatment can be most effective. While there are several teeth whitening products available at drug stores, you might not get the results you want at all times. On the other hand, professional teeth whitening treatment will ensure that you get a brighter and shinier smile than ever before.
Your Tooth Enamel Won’t be Impacted:
One of the popular myths about teeth whitening treatment is that it could adversely impact the patient’s tooth enamel. If you follow the instructions the right way and obtain a tooth whitening kit from a professional cosmetic dentist in Albuquerque NM, you can be sure that it is safe for your teeth.
Teeth Whitening Results are Temporary:
Be informed that teeth whitening treatment obtained from a professional dentist gives you the intended results, however they won’t last forever. To properly maintain the results and obtain a consistently bright smile, the dentist can offer you periodic tooth whitening procedures that deliver effective results. Teeth whitening could last from a few months to years, and the duration could vary from person to person. Remember that this also depends on your dietary and smoking habits.
Professional Whitening is Better than Toothpaste:
You might have noticed toothpaste products that claim to whiten your teeth easily. Whitening toothpastes don’t alter the color of the teeth, instead they remove surface stains that come from coffee and cigarettes. The whitening formula included in such toothpastes could possibly make your teeth sensitive as well. On the other hand, professional teeth whitening procedure provided by a dentist in Albuquerque NM will offer the actual results you need.
Teeth Whitening is not for Everyone:
Despite the fact that teeth whitening procedure is safe, it is not a recommended procedure for pregnant and breastfeeding women, people who have gum diseases, and adolescents having baby teeth. Also remember that tooth whitening does not modify the color of teeth fillings or dental crowns.
These are some of the important facts to remember about teeth whitening. A professional dentist will analyze your teeth and recommend the right shade for a satisfactory result. For any queries on dental implants, teeth whitening, dentures, veneers or TMJ treatment Albuquerque, get in touch with an expert dental professional today.