When it comes to getting your children ready for bed, there will come a day where you will no longer need to watch them brush their teeth, out their pajamas on for them, or tuck them into bed. After all, your children will grow older and they will start to take on these smaller responsibilities.
But one of the greatest concerns for parents when it comes to passing off these responsibilities to their children is not always knowing whether or not their kids have fully brushed their teeth and flossed their gums.
Wondering how to make sure your children are prepared to get ready for bed by themselves and begin to make oral hygiene a routine in their lives? We have some ideas that we believe you will enjoy…
- Incentivize good hygiene with rewards! While your children shouldn’t be rewarded every single time they brush their teeth and floss their gums, as that would be a bit excessive, it would be a good idea to give your children a weekly reward for taking care of their teeth. This would work best for younger children, but can be used for kids of all ages. You can create a spreadsheet that they can put stickers on each time they brush their teeth, and when a week is filled up, you can take them out for a treat!
- Make it fun with music! It is recommended that everyone spend two minutes while brushing their teeth. Therefore, a great idea would be to have your child put on their favorite song and brush their teeth for as long as the song lasts. Not only will they enjoy listening to the music, but this will help to ensure they are brushing their teeth for the recommended time.
- Pop your head into the bathroom just to check on them!